Quick update about August

August was full of events, let me summarize what had happened:

Tomas Cup – huge tournament with many serious children. I have played shido games, but I was obligated to try to teach in English! It was fun!

Keikyu Shogi Matsuri – festival inside a department store, many guests attended. I have played an exhibit game against Hori Ayano Ladies Professional  2kyu (she belongs to LPSA). Normally sitting in seiza woukd be fine, but public games like this makes me nervous and I cannot immediately stand after. Later I have written many shikishi (autographs) and talked with fans. Finally I have played 3-board shido games (teaching games).  Since it was a festival, atmosphere was great!

Article in Shogi Sekai – this year shogi lesson for French students have ended, but I have a pleasure to inform you that there is an article with photos about it in the newest Shogi Sekai. Please read if you are interested!

Kumon interview – back in Yamanashi, I had an interview for Kumon, which is a famous learning center (check it out, it is really cool and maybe they are in your country). I used to learn Japanese with Kumon. In the interview I could talk about my experiences at Kumon, shogi and difficulties of living in Japan. I am grateful for the opportunity!

September is going to be interesting, but I do not wait to spoil too much. Maybe… Just a little. Here is a leaflet of event in Yamanashi. Please join if you are around:



At the end I give you tsumeshogi from Takamine san who works at Shogi Renmei. Funny story, when I came to Japan first time six years ago, he had showed me the same  problem. Enjoy!



(The cat is just there to bring your attention. Yes, it is my cat in Poland)