32th Birthday

I had a birthday last Saturday. First time in years I was able to celebrate it with my twin sister that came to visit. It was fun.

As a birthday present I asked for books about crochet and knitting needles. [I kept confusing the Polish words for them and I am not sure if in English they are correct either lol] I did some crotchet to relax when I was in Kenshukai. This time I can relearn some skills slowly. Need some silent hobby to do near sleeping child!

But it all made me think, everyday taking care of my child – feeding, changing, hugging, speaking – it all are small stiches on big fabric of our relationship. Hopefully it all will add one day into a beautiful creation.

Same with everything we put effort in everyday. It all adds up into meaningful things. Unlike crotchet though, it cannot be undone with one pull of a string. It also means we cannot correct those errors we are making, but the while maybe not perfect, will be unique and colorful.

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