32th Birthday

I had a birthday last Saturday. First time in years I was able to celebrate it with my twin sister that came to visit. It was fun.

As a birthday present I asked for books about crochet and knitting needles. [I kept confusing the Polish words for them and I am not sure if in English they are correct either lol] I did some crotchet to relax when I was in Kenshukai. This time I can relearn some skills slowly. Need some silent hobby to do near sleeping child!

But it all made me think, everyday taking care of my child – feeding, changing, hugging, speaking – it all are small stiches on big fabric of our relationship. Hopefully it all will add one day into a beautiful creation.

Same with everything we put effort in everyday. It all adds up into meaningful things. Unlike crotchet though, it cannot be undone with one pull of a string. It also means we cannot correct those errors we are making, but the while maybe not perfect, will be unique and colorful.

Being a parent

It changes your perspective. You see all the people around and you realize “oh, this person is a son/daughter to someone”. You also gain much respect to other parents around you, as you gain the insight of being one. Hey, it is hard work waking up every 2 hours to feed and change the baby. That’s what I know now. What will take to bring it past 1 year old mark? How many sacrifices?

Because hungry baby is definitely the priority number one. You have job to done? You want to relax a little? That’s not happening my dear. And thanks for the hormones that make you act upon that baby cry without frustration. Just one look at it and “our cute monster” will be fed, loved and kissed to sleep.

Then life rhythm has to adapt. Baby is asleep? Quickly, do whatever you planned to do in the next 2-3 hours. No slacking off! Prioritize! Don’t get distracted by news sites, Youtube and other stuff or you will regret it with the next baby’s cry! Who knew baby is the ultimate motivator and the best way to schedule your day. No need for planners or reminders. “Pomodoro-Baby” technique is very effective.

Speaking of plans, mine is to start working on youtube videos, starting with update video. Being YT partner is a motivational factor, but I also had some projects I wanted to try on. I won’t be able to stream anymore (I think), but it is a good opportunity to try something else instead.

That is… if the baby allows.